Volume 14, Issue 33 (spring & summer 2018)                   goljaam 2018, 14(33): 145-162 | Back to browse issues page

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Barjesteh B, Nazari A, Dehghani-Zahedani M. Enhancement of Wool Carpets Protection against Tineola bisselliella Utilizing Silver Nanoparticles and Friendly-environment Cross-linking Agent Applying RSM Statistical Analysis. goljaam 2018; 14 (33) :145-162
URL: http://goljaam.icsa.ir/article-1-505-en.html
1- Islamic Azad University of Yazd
Abstract:   (7016 Views)
Worthful wool products have excellent properties such as high strength, resiliency, dyeability, air imprisonment and it is comfortable that can be used easily. But this fiber has a limitation of nutrition and destruction via wool products digesting species such as Tineola bisselliella. This research evaluates silver nanoparticles efficiency accompany with citric acid stabilizing agent in protecting wool carpets against Tineola bisselliella via validity bioassay and quantifying nutrition amount of treated samples. Therefore, central composite design (CCD) statistical method was used to design experiments and response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to analyze obtained results through Design Expert statistical software. Based on this, wool carpets were exposed to Tineola bisselliella larvae with various concentrations of silver nanoparticles during different days and weight reduction amounts were quantitatively accounted, as minimum optimized, and qualitatively observed as compared with control sample. Then, using statistical analysis, optimized models were presented based on weight reduction dependent variable than independent variables such as silver nanoparticles concentration amounts and exposure days. Also, alkaline solubility was evaluated as other significant characteristic of wool carpets. Images of nutrition status in treated and control wool carpets were illustrated using light microscopy equipped with digital camera and scanning electronic microscopy. Beside, elemental analysis of optimized wool carpets was discussed through energy-dispersive spectroscopy in order to confirm silver presence. Results of this study exhibit that in optimized condition including 3.07 % silver nanoparticles, 10.0 % citric acid friendly-environment cross-linking agent, and 30 days exposure of wool carpets to Tineola bisselliella, the minimum of response variables including 0.09 % weight reduction and 3.13 % alkaline solubility, in other words, significantly highest protection of wool carpets was obtained against Tineola bisselliella.      
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Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2018/03/6 | Accepted: 2018/10/1 | Published: 2018/10/4

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