Submission Instruction

 | Post date: 2018/02/28 | 
The journal wall accept original, previously unpublished research contributions. Articles not submitted in Persian will be translated by the editorial board. Average length of articles is twenty pages, including figures and tables. Pictures can in dimensions. Numbers for illustrations, images ,drawings and figures, and the sequence of the illustrations must be indicated on the back of each .contributed material must be arranged in the following order.
Title and authors : the title , which should be kept brief , should emphasize the principal objective.
Author ' (s) specifications should include surname and name, scientific qualification, degree and specialized subject ,address, phone and fax number , and e-mail

Abstracts :the article's abstract should state the objective and conclusion of the research concisely in no more than 200 words .
Keywords : select a maximum of five keywords from your article that best describe the topic. These words will be used to for search and retrieval ,as well as indexing .
Text : text should start whit a concise "introduction" which should be free from unnecessary or non-essential detail. It should be divided into sections whit clear titles for easier reference.
Notation : notation (remarks , expressions , explanation)should be entirely placed at the end of the text and immediately before the "references" section. Symbols cited should be listed in numerical order.
References : references should be listed in numerical order in which they are cited in the text . the number must correspond to the ones used for reference
within the main text (in brackets : [] ) . give complete information including surnames ofall authors , title of the article and periodical or book , number of page and volume, and date of publication. Authors should use the following style to format their references  :
Book : surname(s) and name(s) ofauthor(s) , title of the book , surname(s) and name(s) of translator or editor, publisher, and date of publication.
Article : surname(s) and name(s) ofauthor(s) ,title of the article , surname(s) and name(s) of translator, name of the journal , period and volume , and date of publication .
Papers Extracted from Phd Theses or Master degree dissertations should be Certified by respective Supervisors.
Submission of Articles
Articles should be submitted in 4 printed copies , A4 size in win word as well as CD to the editor of Goljaam at the following address : Tehran  , P.O. Box
14155-1139 carpet scientific Society . Reproduction of any text or illustration , in whole or in part , is forbidden without  indicating the Source .

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